Arrangement for PM test on 2024-08-02

Arrangement for PM test on 2024-08-02

by Anila Joy -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students, 

This morning, the area surrounding Pretoria Belgium Campus experienced several electricity outages. This caused severe disruptions to those writing their tests. To ensure fairness and consistency, all AM and PM tests in Pretoria are cancelled for today. This does not apply to tests written by online, Stellenbosch, and Kempton students. The morning tests written in CHI are also excluded. For certain modules, the online, Stellenbosch, and Kempton students will continue with tests this afternoon. Ensure you check your module announcements to confirm whether you are writing today and what the arrangements are. Please contact your lecturer for more information.

Apologies for the inconvenience this causes.

-Department Heads