Class matters and what to do about it

Class matters and what to do about it

by Jan Mentz -
Number of replies: 0

Dear student

As faculty we aim to provide you with the best possible learning experience. Our intention is to provide a full 4-hour class for every module that you are enrolled in.

Sometime, though, things go wrong. Some of this is out of our control but most thing we can do something about. This announcement is an invitation from me, your Academic Dean, to engage with me directly should anything not quite work out as expected or planned.

For example, if you expect a class and no lecturer arrives, contact me immediately! Perhaps you are sent home after only 2 hours of class, email, me the details! Let's say the lecturer did not quite teach in a manner that is helpful, email me some detail or suggestions!

Or, perhaps you feel that you've just had the best lecturer on campus, let me know please. This of course goes for any compliment about our staff.

Let us partner in this learning journey, please note that all communications with me are treated as confidential.

Thank you

Dr Jan Mentz (